Devotional Reading: The Gloom of Getting Ahead of God

Devotional Reading: The Gloom of Getting Ahead of God

Week of October 13-19, 2024
Notes for further study from 1 Samuel 14:1-52

Devotional Day 1 | 1 Samuel 14:1-23

  • What did Jonathan (Saul’s son) do, and what was his strategy?
  • God won the victory, but why do you think Jonathan’s participation was important?
  • How does Jonathan’s faith-based actions inspire you? What is something God is calling you to take action on that requires faith to do this week?

Devotional Day 2 | 1 Samuel 14:24-52

  • What oath did Saul make and who broke it?
  • What are the consequences of this oath?
  • Read Deuteronomy 23:21-23. What did Saul do wrong?
  • What important lesson can we learn from this story?

Note: The priests often wore a “breastpiece of judgment” (see Exodus 28:30), which contained Urim and Thummim. While the Bible doesn’t provide a detailed description of the Urim and Thummim, they are believed to have been two distinct objects, perhaps stones, that were consulted in decision-making processes. God used used these objects at the time in guiding his people and the decisions they needed to make.

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