Devotional Reading: Confirming The Call

Devotional Reading: Confirming The Call

Week of October 6-12, 2024
Notes for further study from 1 Samuel 10:17-27 and 1 Samuel 11

Samuel is now operating out of his role as an OT prophet, speaking the words of God to his people. Verse 18 is much in style and is a direct reference to the Egypt narrative and the Ten Commandments. This is all about the people’s rejection of God as their king.   In their hearts they put their desire for a king before God. The first commandment is that you shall have no other gods before God himself.

There are always disastrous consequences whenever people reject God as their king, which we’ll see further illustrated in the stories to come, particularly in 1st and 2nd kings.

This particular selection process in verses 20-21 serves two purposes – (1) to confirm that this selection of the king is not done by human manipulation but by God.  But also, (2) it serves as an act of divine judgment against Israel’s rejection of him as king. The only other time this process was used was when Achan took the “devoted things” in a disastrous act of rebellion against God after the fall of Jericho. See Joshua 7.

God gave the people what they wanted.  The man who looked the part.  Sadly, they would soon pay the price for their rejection of God as king under the leadership of Saul.  And sadly, people today choose political leaders for what they see on the outside as well…

Study Questions for 1 Samuel 11:

  1. What were the circumstances surrounding Saul’s first test as Israel’s king?
  2. How did Saul respond to the news of the threat?  How can we see God at work behind Saul’s response?
  3. After the victory, why did some people say certain people should be put to death?
  4. What do we learn about Saul in how he responded to these demands?
  5. How did the people acknowledge God?

Application:  After a major victory, Samuel brought the people together to “renew the kingship.” After we see God come through for us, renewing our faith is a way to give God glory and recommit ourselves to him.  What is something you can do today to recommit yourself to God and give him honor for what he’s done?