Author Archive: Rich Andrews
God’s Will for Your Life
Did you ever wonder what God’s will for your life was? Some people spend their entire lives missing the answer to one’s of life’s most important questions. Over 2000 years ago, the apostle Paul, one of the most prolific and brilliant writers and influencers of the ancient world, wrote a letter to a Jesus-centered community […]
Be Transformed
Transformation: a complete change in someone or something. Everyone experiences change. Some changes are outward, like putting on new clothes or getting older. But there are also inward changes, like becoming a more kind or hopeful person. Are you hoping to change something on the inside? If so, you probably realize that inward transformation […]
How to Respond to Jesus
In the last week of his life, Jesus told some stories in the form of parables that would be controversial enough to get him killed. As you may know, that is what actually what happened. Jesus knew quite well that people responded to him differently. He also knew that their response to him as king […]
Who is this Jesus?
Palm Sunday is a dedicated time on the church calendar to remember how Jesus rode triumphantly as King into Jerusalem the week before what we celebrate as Easter. It’s important to see what Jesus was saying about himself by riding into Jerusalem on the donkey. While he tried to keep the word about him being […]
The Stone the Builders Rejected
Ever had FOMO? FOMO is the “fear of missing out.” You’re on social media, sitting at home at night on the couch with your phone in one hand and your bag of Cheetos in another … feeling sorry for yourself because you are missing out on the good life everybody else is having without you. […]
God’s Presence or Personal Productivity?
Recently, a small group of about 19 college students at Asbury Seminary lingered in their auditorium during chapel and something unexpected happened: the presence of God fell in such a powerful, transcendent way that prayer and worship broke out 24/7 for the next several weeks. It grew so much, that the town that is built […]
Watching Over the Fatherless & Widow
“The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.” – Psalm 146:9 Psalm 68:5 “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwellling.” God’s heart is deeply connected to the fatherless and the widow. He saw our […]
God Sets the Prisoners Free
“The mind is a powerful thing, it is a wonderful tool but it can be a dangerous snare.” The wrong kind of thinking can deeply disturb our peace, creating a kind of mental prison. Too many of us focus on fearful thinking and spend time worrying. Negative thoughts spiral in our minds, causing us unnecessary […]
Remember Those in Prison
Hebrews 13:3 says, “Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” When we read this verse in context, we learn that the author was providing Christians in the early church some practical encouragement to put their faith into practice […]