Our vision is to be a church in King of Prussia that expresses the reality of Psalm 23 to those living along Route 23.

We hope that if anyone gets to know us, they’ll discover what we value most:  Jesus and how he sees the world. Ultimately, everything we do is about one thing—helping people from the main line to main street grow in their relationship with Jesus. Jesus is the best, and main thing we have to offer with truly eternal significance.

Our church is a small expression of what God is doing in King of Prussia and the greater Philadelphia region among those following Jesus together.  We deeply appreciate and prayerfully support the larger community of faith.  At the same time, KOPVC has its own particular flavor.

1. We’re a church for people like you.

King of Prussia and the surrounding area is part of who we are. We are from here. We work here. We serve the community here. We have kids here — in fact, we have a program specially designed to help kids grow in their faith. We’re pretty casual and like to drink coffee and eat doughnuts together. It’s not all that different from what you’d typically see on Fayette Street during the Fall Funfest.

We have a live band in our worship times, which visitors routinely say is a highlight for them. Our messages are rooted in the truth and wisdom of the Bible and are applicable to everyday life. We end each service with a restful time of quiet reflection.

We like coming and we think you will, too.

2. Our church feels like a healthy family.

Church is a diverse group of people, not just a program or a service or a building.  We don’t just go to church – we are the Church. Time and again, we hear folks at KOPVC share, “I really enjoy the community and the genuine care we have for one another.”

A big part of our culture is that we like spending time together.  On Sundays, there is always an opportunity to hang around for 20-30 minutes after the service ends to eat some snacks, grab a drink, and get to know someone new.  We have monthly meals together, which are free to our community as a gift from KOPVC.  Meanwhile, you’ll see a lot of kids running around, which adds to the fun.

If you are visiting, please grab a few snacks and spend some time hanging out with us afterward. We’d love to get to know you. We also have small groups, which are probably the best way to connect on a personal level.  Check out our small group options here.

3. We are a community where you can experience God’s presence.

Regular attendees at KOPVC have often told us, “I love to come and rest in God’s presence.”

Jesus said he leaves his peace with us and that when we gather, he is with us in a special way. God still speaks to people today, both through the Bible and through the Holy Spirit.

Before each service, our team takes time to pray and listen for specific ways that God might like to bless people during the service, perhaps through an encouraging word or prayer for healing. At the end of the sermon each week, we take a few minutes of silent reflection to meditate on God’s word and rest in his presence.

Additionally, prayer is available every week for anyone who is interested. We have a team of trained and experienced prayer team members who love seeing God work in people’s lives. When we pray, we value making space to listen for God’s voice and responding to God in faith. Since our launch in 2014, we’ve seen people within our services and in the streets report healing of various physical and emotional problems, as well as experience more spiritual freedom in their lives. Click here to learn more about our prayer ministry.